
The Sacred Truth Religion

The Sacred Truth

God is the actual truth. The Church of Fairness is the first religion that uses actual truth from science as its foundation for a God concept. The Church of Fairness also uses established religious concepts from Buddhism, Sikhism, Hinduism, Christianity, indigenous religions and others to support science and vice versa.

The skeptics of the paranormal have too much substantiated evidence to make the case that there are no supernatural or paranormal events caused by things unseen “Hebrews 11:1- Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” This is about sacred intervention caused by things unseen. Science, spirituality and religion will blend together. Based on personal experience and demonstrable evidence. All religions will find agreement with actual truth as God.

The importance of bowing, to honor, to recognize that higher beings that serve the all powerful One – ness are real and are helping us. They are not required to help us, but they will, if we deserve their help. They need to be honored. This is why the worship and devotion exists in religions. Our harmful traits are blocking us and must be surrendered. They are unacceptable.

Our cultures are blending together and the natural order of selfishness and unfairness needs to be directed toward the sacred order of mutual respect and kindness. We need to see everything and everyone as sacred. At present our culture is divided into subcultures that compete with and sometimes hate the others. We need the unity of all humans to stop the unfairness from one to another.

The all powerful is not someone else or something else. It is not something separate from – or different than – the right here and the right now. The kingdom the all powerful is within. It is right here and right now. It is our own essence. It is the essence of every blade of grass and every star. All that exists is 1 thing. It is whole, holy and indivisible. It is invincible. It is eternal. This is sacred. Every blade of grass, every human being and every star is sacred. The sacred is that which is true about all of this. The all powerful oneness is what it all is.

Humans are not separate from planet earth and the universe. Humans are planet earth and the universe; some think they are separate. They don’t think straight. They see from separation while they should be seeing correctly from wholeness. Wholeness is holy and sacred. The separation is secondary and the wholeness is primary. Living from the secondary results in war and conflict. Living from wholeness results in joy.

We are like a drop of water taken from the ocean that has forgotten it is the ocean. The isolated drop is sometimes in fear or panic. Then someone returned it to the ocean of the whole holy and now it is wonderfully safe and permeated with joy. The individual drops are the whole ocean. God has merged with us. We realize the sacred truth.

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