
The Way of Fairness Stops Others – Including Unfair Gods – from Defeating Us

Everyone is invited to join The Way of Fairness. We are a group of people as well as other beings that want to join with us and us with them. Our purpose is to stop others from doing us wrong and all of us agree to not do others wrong. As humans we are from all tubes and ethnicities. We are a team that intends on winning over all those that oppose us or try to rule over us. We rule ourselves with the Law of Fairness. Simply stated it means that it is wrong to do others wrong. Doing others wrong is against the Law of Fairness. 

Many humans are fighting against other humans because of religions or ethnicity. Sometimes this is called races of humans. If some other race, religion, government or political party is doing you wrong and you join our team you will not be defeated by these others. 

The Way of Fairness includes anyone who wants to join us. We are from all races, tribes and ethnicities. All religions and governments are invited to join us. 

Atheists and non-atheists count the same. If God is supporting fairness for all then we support that God. It might be the only God if there is only one God. A God or any God that is unfair to others is not a good God. We should be devoted to or worship only Gods that want fairness for everyone. If there is only one God, then we are all God’s children or creations. We believe we all count the same to each other and to God or Gods. We believe we have no enemies. There are only people that don’t understand fairness yet. They have not yet learned to stop doing others wrong. Soon everyone will understand fairness for all and fairness from all. 

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