
God Gangs

God Gangs

I just had a realization of a way to describe human behavior with Gods. The worshippers or devotees of a particular God are all a unified group of people. The particular God they have in common. When they are detrimental to humanity, they deserve to be called God gangs. In the worst of these they deserve to be labeled as cults. There may or there may not be an actual being that is their God. Perhaps the God is an alien that answers to the word God or kali or Jesus or Satan or Judas. The alien plays the role of the deity. Maybe there actually is a God at the top position of the group of people. Perhaps it is all only humans serving an imaginary myth. I suppose I am describing religions and politics to some degree.

I have been experiencing a hidden aspect of Christianity my entire life. It goes like this: There is a God gang that worships Judas. This is done secretly. Judas betrays the good people as is told he did to Christ. Jesus forgives everything and teaches to not fight evil but to turn the other cheek. The servants of Judas get many rewards from their devotion.

We have been taught to not defend ourselves from the rulers. We have been taught to tolerate the unfairness of tyrants. Romans 13 from the New Testament was Hitlers favorite scripture. It says the government is the will of God Almighty. We are taught to trust the Lord to provide us blessings. It is well documented how poverty goes hand and in hand with this religious betrayal of the gullible people. We have been taught to ne our own worst enemy

We have been taught we have a duty to our God and to our country. Those who rebel and join the other God and country are traitors. This is a death sentence sometimes. Sadly, we have been reduced to puppets of a puppet master or pawns in a game of the rulers. I am going to argue that actually our duty and devotion needs to be to put an end to all unfairness to all of us. We need to change what we are devoted to. Our old God is not big enough. It was not the actual truth. We need to be devoted to a God or ideology of fairness for all and fairness from all.

Our duty needs to be to be fair to everyone. We need to be protectors of everyone that will agree to be fair to everyone. Those others that have not yet agreed need to hit a bottom of desperation. They need to feel their old way of being unfair to others and getting away with it is over. Fairness is the highest morality and unfairness is the lowest sin. Atheists are not excluded but equal allies in our peaceful war against unfairness to ourselves and our families. Many of us don’t care if the creator had an all powerful mind or no mind at all. We can agree that we have minds now.

Many of us believe there is a collective mind that is connected from all the separate minds. We know this powerful mind can intervene in our lives and arrange events for us. We could call it the God mind or the universal mind.

Many of us do not believe there is a God behind earthquakes and diseases that harm us. This is not God’s will. This is the mindless but all powerful aspect of physical reality. The cause of reality is all powerful but need not have mind or will.

We can pray or ask for help from the collective God mind that can intervene and arrange events in our lives. The collective mind can bring us victory over the unfairness from others that is sabotaging our greatest success, or it can defeat us. Our greatest success is to stop all unfairness from all of us. We ask ourselves daily if we are being fair in our thoughts and actions toward others.

God gangs that are stopping unfairness are not called gangs or cults. They are called allies. Reality is one thing whether we are talking about the aspect that is mindless or the aspect that has mind. Reality is all powerful. It is the necessary foundation for us to exist within. We call it the all powerful all. There is no God or individual that is the all powerful all. It is not a separate being. It is all the beings but not of us are it. No one is all powerful. You cannot be an individual and have all power. This is oxymoronic. Individualism excludes all powerfulness. We have been wrong about what God almighty is. We were told God almighty chooses who lives and who dies. I argue the fundamental cause of life and death is mindless cause and effect. God does not cause our families to die or to live. The all powerful all is both mindless and also with mind. The part that has mind is very small when compared to the vastness of our cosmos that we are within.