
The Human Species is Incapable of Not Destroying Itself.

The human species is incapable of not destroying itself. It is incapable of choosing The World Fairness Agreement. This is what I base the conclusion on. I have had very little interest and support with this idea that would save us from self-destruction. It is the only idea I know of that would actually work. The reason is that we would require religions to stop being a world problem. Humans are brainwashed into fighting each other forever because of religious scripture. These brainwashed people think they have the only correct God with them and the 1000s of other Gods are wrong. 

I am spiritual and faith based but I am an atheist. There is something that does help me that is spiritual in nature. I do not think it created the universe. I think the universe mindlessly created itself from randomness and consciousness is “one” and this one mind evolved from no mind and the one “consciousness” is evolving still. I think extraterrestrials have a mind that ignorant humans think is God the creator. 

There is a similar brainwashing in the secular human. They are brainwashed by the world sem – the status quo. They cannot think outside the box that they are in. The World Fairness Agreement is definitely not status quo.