
We Need to Heal All the Places We Are Broken

We need to heal all the places we are broken. Integrate all divisions. Get back all that we lost. We will need to overpower those that unfairly divide us. Their division leads to war.

All the world leaders need to become world followers of fairness. We want fairness for all and fairness from all. Those being served as leaders will now become servants of fairness. Fairness will be what everyone serves. We will all count the same.

We have the right to our own opinions, beliefs and religions, but we don’t have the right to do others wrong. We respect all people, but we don’t respect unfairness from anyone. We don’t judge anyone, but we do judge the unfairness in everyone. 

Our world of people is a world of factions competing to rule over the competition. This has been called “survival of the fittest.” The winning side will rule all if they can win. This has never happened. Rather, there is a continuing struggle to become the winner over the others. 

Many of us don’t see things in this way, but we live in the world of people where it is this way whether we like it or not. We live in a world where the winner takes all. In our struggle to get on top we sometimes end up hating ourselves and others. We do ourselves and others wrong. We might become angry at ourselves or others. We can get hurt by ourselves or others. 

We are the people of fairness and are aware of this. We think we have found a way to rule the world by serving fairness as our master and ruler. Everyone will rule the world equally. We are going to become our own best friends. We are going to become friends to all. We will be willing to do anything for ourselves and others so that we can get on top of all this. 

By serving fairness we become the leading force of the world. In this competitive fairness we will be the winning side and we will take all. We will be the most powerful competitor. The spoils of war will be ours, but we will be totally fair about all this. Everyone will get the spoils of war. There has certainly been much spoiled by war. There will not be divisions, rather we will all be one people that have risen to the top, that have achieved the greatest victory over those that have been doing us wrong. We will have convinced everyone to stop doing others wrong and instead join the winning side. We will have put an end to all wars.