
Surrounded By Unfairness. Surrounded by Evil

Maybe they are just not understanding that unfairness is the root of all human caused problems. On the surface they see a man with an AR 15 killing people Willy Nilly. The press is blamed, and the gun manufacturer is blamed. They try to blame his depression on chemical imbalance within him. Actually, it is the unfairness outside of him that surrounds him that causes the depression and the hatred and the death of many people. 

An off duty pilot suffering from depression tries to force a plane into landing. He uses magic mushrooms trying to get relief from the unfairness that surrounds him. The mushrooms are blamed.  The therapists are blamed. They may even try to blame the aircraft manufacturer.

They fail to see the chain of events that lead up to the catastrophe. It is a trail of unfairness happening over and over again that surrounds us all. Instead of seeing the truth they blame something else that is not actually the cause. The blaming is also unfair. It is insane that they do not see the truth that unfairness is the cause.    

We are under the control of unfair people and this is also not fair. They want us to blame something other than unfairness. They want us to stay evil like they are. They want us to be unfair too. Unfairness is contagious. Evil is contagious. Evil is unfairness. 

We all have some meanness and some unfairness in us. We all have evil in us, but if we all agree to be fair to everyone, we will not have human caused catastrophes that continue and cause more hate and more unfairness and more blaming.