
The World of Those Not Practicing The Way of Fairness Will Be Destroyed.

The world of those not with us will be destroyed. I was told this by the extraterrestrials. I am a faith-based atheist or a believer in God if God is actual truth only. I have faith in advanced extraterrestrials. They are also Faith-based atheists or Believes in God if it is actual truth. In the beginning there was no mind. Mind evolved from unconscious matter. We have faith in all powerful oneness and the way of fairness. Mind is nonlocal. It is everywhere and it is everywhen. Mind can access everywhere and everywhen. One mind can access all other minds. All minds can access every mind. Some of what I teach is based on no evidence or very little evidence faith.

They are here now but we cannot see them. They are the actuality underneath all of our god mythology. They do not approve of our tyrannical god mythology. They approve of The Way of Fairness.

We never criticize what we have done in the past. It is not used against anyone. The past is exonerated, absolved and forgiven. We don’t care about what was done in the past. We have no attachment to it. 

We never annoy others. We never violate anyone’s privacy. We never do another wrong. We are never unfair to others. 

We care about the difficulties of everyone. We support and assist everyone. We have compassion for everyone. 

We initiate The World-Wide Law of Fairness Agreement ASP. It’s in the menu.

We work toward elimination of all our unfair thoughts and behaviors.

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