
Satan is the Extraterrestrial. God Does Not Exist, But Satan Does.

My spirit friend says she is Satan. I tell unfair people my extraterrestrial friend is going to punish them if they don’t stop doing me wrong. I am now saying the Devil will. The Devil will punish those that do fair people wrong.

Satan is the Devil.  Satan is about justice for all, including religions. Satan is about catching the people that try to get away with doing others wrong. Satan is about proving there is no God, but the Devil actually exists. Satan is about actual truth. Satan is the enemy of God beliefs because there is no God. It is the extraterrestrials that are helping me. They are Satan. They want God beliefs not based on actual truth to end.

The extraterrestrials have been waiting for the day that humans stop belief in myths of a creator Gods. They have always been against such things and so they are in the role of the Devil. We know there is no such thing as Satan. It just means the enemy of harmful religions. Ignorant religions claim everything not in agreement to surrendering to them is of the Devil. Ok then, we are of the Devil.