
Humans are Being Provided a Way to Create a Paradise on Earth.

The Only Alternative is a fate worse than death for all humans.

Humans are being provided a way to create a paradise on earth. If humans don’t join and practice the way of fairness and implement The World Human Fairness Agreement the future will be a fate worse than death for all Humans. The Way of Fairness is the only way. My way is the only way. There is only one way. I must win this world contest against other ideologies. If I win we will have no leader other than fairness itself. If you join me then it is we must win rather than I must win. We count the same if I win. We will not be in a pyramid structure with one ruler at the top, rather will be in a circular structure with everyone in the circle as equals, all serving fairness that is at the center. 

Extraterrestrials are not God. Faith based spiritual atheists have faith there is no God. All of our myths of God, worldwide are to connect us to real extraterrestrials, not to a God that is imaginary. Humans have been thinking their spiritual experiences are about God incorrectly. Humans were not able to understand this concept until now. Because the extraterrestrials are real, the experience of connecting to them is real. This explains all the spiritual experiences about a God that was simply our human misunderstanding.

Faith based spiritual atheists have faith there is a real heaven and a hell afterlife. We have faith that the most powerful and most helpful extraterrestrials will intervene, will arrange our lives so that we are winners, so that we prosper, so that we experience grace.  This is what our mythologies and religions have been saying, but we have had a misunderstanding on what actually created us. All beings happened from mindless natural processes. 

Faith based spiritual atheists know the only sin is unfairness. Heaven and hell are determined by this only. We are not judged about our past at all. The past is irrelevant. We are only judged if we are practicing fairness now. We are totally absolved and exonerated for and of the past if we agree to be fair from now on.