
My #1 Life Problem. Do You Want to Fight?

My #1 Life Problem. Do You Want to Fight? 

People have formed alliances that get away with doing me wrong. My most important priority is to punish and defeat them all. 

What is your #1 life problem? Is it not some form of unfairness that unfair alliances are causing you. Isn’t your problem happening from an alliance rather than an individual? They are getting away with doing you wrong. 

We can form our own alliance to stop others from doing us wrong. We can get those doing us wrong to agree to stop. We can find a way to hurt them until they stop doing us wrong. 

I use telepathy to understand this and to stop this. Our minds have a connection that allows us to punish those that are unfair to us. We can use action at a distance to put pain on them until they stop putting pain on us. Einstein called the non local quantum entangled aspect of reality “spooky action at a distance” 

I get help fighting them in dreams and from telepathy. I dreamed about a new disease that is a curse upon these people that are doing us wrong. I have cursed them for doing me wrong. I cursed everyone of them. I have agreed to not do anyone wrong. I have stopped doing anyone wrong. I want them to also agree to stop doing anyone wrong. I want them to stop doing anyone wrong also. 

I was dreaming about a cop and a donut. Someone had done a quick curse on it. They had spit on it and then I ate it. This is what caused the disease I curse those that do me wrong with. I heard telepathically someone spit in my soup or did something like that to my soup. 

I was told telepathically to declare war against this evil of unfairness that humans have. We all must stop doing each other wrong.