
Never Oppose Fair People or You Will Be Destroyed.

Fair people oppose people that are unfair. Never oppose fair people or you will be destroyed. You will suffer and die.

I dreamed that aliens that oppose unfairness are going to exterminate everyone except for me. Then today I dreamed that there will be a small number that does not die. The Gods and networks of power of unfair people will be destroyed and then they will be destroyed.

The only way for you to not be destroyed is to stop being unfair to other and then ask for victory from our universal alliance of fair-minded beings.

If you find that you are not able to be fair all the time – humans always find being fair in thought and action to be an impossibility – you must give all you are to the universal alliance of fair-minded beings and ask for victory over your own unfairness. I had to totally surrender to win. I had to lose to win. I joined the winning side. Fair-minded beings are the winning side. Welcome home!