
Unfairness in the People Results in Tyranny of the Masses. It is the Reason Democracy, Capitalism and Marxism Failed

Tyranny of the masses is why humans failed so far.

The tyranny of the majority (or tyranny of the masses) is an inherent weakness to majority rule in which the majority of an electorate pursues exclusively its own objectives at the expense of those of the minority factions1. It involves a scenario in which decisions made by a majority place its interests above those of an individual or minority group, constituting active oppression comparable to that of a tyrant or despot2. (from Bing)

This is also a problem for non democratic governments and for religions. The majority could take over and because the majority is unfair they make the entire system unfair. It is obvious that we need the law of fairness at the foundation of all human systems. The law of fairness needs to be the foundation for family systems also. 

The reason humans have not done this already is because unfairness has almost as much power as fairness. Unfairness is trying to enlist all of us into its ranks. Unfairness is the evil that good struggles with. Evil can be convinced to join fairness if it is in its best interest. This is the deal offered by the way of fairness. Absolution and exoneration is the gift for joining team fairness. 

Fairness is the foundation of all morality. We need a system that creates fairness in all the people in all world systems. Communist states are threatened by other states that are unfair people. It is because of unfairness in humans that marxism formed. If humans are fair, humans are beautiful. If humans are unfair, humans are ugly. 

We should not be unfair in our thoughts about others. Humans need to surrender to serve and protect everyone. The human ego may be the ugliest thing in all of reality. It is the cause of greed and selfishness. It is the cause of human evil. It is the destroyer of love for one another. It is the cause of hatred. Unfairness destroys love. Fairness is love and unfairness is hatred. If you are unfair you are a hateful person.