
Course in Miracles Inspired – Those That Attack Will Be Attacked by the All-Powerful Attacker.

Another powerful thought from the mind of Steven LeRoy Childs. I am that man. The Course in Miracles does not explain who or what will be doing the attacking. I do. To merge this with Buddha Nature as being the all-powerful arranger of reality we could sat the attack is a perception in the minds of those that had attacked someone. To merge this with the way of fairness we could say those that are unfair will be tortured with no escape unless they agree to be fair to everyone in which case they will be forgiven and honored with full absolution and exoneration from past actions and thoughts. To merge this with Alcoholics Anonymous we would say surrender to your higher power and ask that those causing you difficulty with character defects be removed. That was some pointed humor about the wording of the third step prayer. Can we agree that justice for all is a desired ideology. We are not required to agree on anything. Let’s see who wins this drama of what is the all-powerful and what does it do to people that are unfair to others by establishing legislation that is harmful to the good people.

The extraterrestrials told me in a dream that I am the savior. Should we throw out the other ones that have not been granted the official OK from extraterrestrials that are much more power than humans. What will the all-powerful arranger arrange next? We’ll see!