
Surrender to the Outside and Give Love and Support to All. It is Bigger Than You.

You and Everything That’s Not You is All There Is.

You are inside of you and everything else is outside of you. Which one is bigger and more powerful? Also, there’s one thing more powerful than the outside and this is the inside and the outside put together. I call this the One All Powerful All. 

It may or may not include an all-powerful supreme being that intentionally created it and is outside of it. Think about this because of what I said above. I am including the possible supreme being and all the other possibly real Gods and Satans in the group of things that are outside of me. The outside would include all real extraterrestrials also. It includes everything that is real that is not you. You are not outside. You are only you. 

What if the outside turned against you. What if everyone turned against you? Obviously, you need help from the outside. 

The outside is in conflict against itself. The humans that are not you are fighting against each other. Let’s say there are 2 groups of humans that are in a war against each other. We can ask for help from both groups. We can ask for help from the One All Powerful All. We do not need to be in the war. It would be terrible to be in the war killing the other group and them killing your group. 

The Bible has an idea in it that “a house divided cannot stand.” There is another idea I have heard that “united we stand and divided we fall.” 

Ask for help from the outside. Alone we cannot solve the problem of the outside. We are powerless over the outside. Surrender to the outside – to everyone and everything – Ask the outside to give you victory over those that are harming you or they are trying to rule you in some way. Serve and protect the outside. We are inviting those doing us wrong to stop and to join and serve the One All Powerful All, so they get help too.  

When you think of someone that is harmful to you, surrender to them and the One All Powerful All. Surrender to them to serve and protect them so they can see you are not an enemy. We do not need to surrender to them. We have surrendered to something bigger than them that includes them. We do not need to have any enemies. 

Ask the All Powerful to help them see our better way of unity. Most people are trying to dominate others instead of helping others like us. Ask that those doing you wrong be defeated by the One All Powerful All. Then they can surrender to the same thing we have surrendered to already. 

Surrender to the outside and give love and support to all. It is bigger than you.