
Understanding The Power of Evil and How to Defeat it. 

Understanding The Power of Evil And How to Defeat it. 

Evil’s power comes from fear and Good’s power also comes from fear. Evil is unfairness and good is fairness. 

The key to understanding this is fear. Here is an Analogy: Person A steals person B’s money. Person B knows about it. Person A is afraid of what will happen to Person A if Person B tells everyone. Person A threatens to Torture and Kill Person B if Person B tells any one ever. Person B is afraid of Person A. Person B becomes willing to tell others anyway. Person A increases the fear upon Person B. by killing and raping Person B’s daughter. Person B decides to “shut up” for Person A. Person B knows Person A has begun to rape and kill others. Person B. makes a deal with person A. Person B will not ever tell anyone if person A will use his fear power to stop all unfairness everywhere and to never do unfair things again. Person B has become a friend of the Devil. The devil is now not an evil person and does not do unfair things. 

It is very sad that people were treated unfairly. Person A had been treated very unfairly before this all happened.

Sometimes person A is a gang of bullies or a government or an unfair religion. Group A does not steal, rape or kill but does other unfair things to group B. to Get B. to “shut up” The same deal happens between A and B as has already been described. Most if not all of us have been in the Group A at one time or another.

This struggle is about which group will be the boss of the other group. The solution is to merge the 2 groups into one group that agrees to be fair to everyone. Unfairness is the root of all evil.

This is “The way of Fairness” “in a nutshell.” Is it over?