
(rewrite) A Comparison of Alcoholics Anonymous with The Way of Fairness.

AA did not work for me until I combined the idea of the All-powerful with the idea of atheism. I don’t see any separate Gods anymore I just see one totality – the One All-powerful All. I am an atheist. I think the mind emerged from a cosmos that had no mind. It happened on its own with no supreme being in the picture. Maybe I am wrong. We can all agree to surrender to the all powerful – whatever it is. 

The institutions, principles and people that made me angry are defeated by the third step prayer. They no longer dominate me with this new way of victory thinking. No longer do they make me angry again and again. I would heal my wounds only to get hurt again. 

Using the third step prayer, I can have peace of mind with my newfound victory over the world and its people, but especially over myself. 

My job is to surrender to everything and protect everything. I no longer fight against others in any way. My protection comes from the All Powerful All. It will punish those that do me wrong. I just need to stay surrendered for this to happen. 

We need to give the world and its people some time to figure this out. We have ceased fighting everything and everyone. We surrender to everything and everyone to serve everything and everyone. We are no longer fighting them. We are serving them instead. 

Anger toward AA ideas and people are not uncommon. AA started in riots over Gods and people trying to be God (see my post “It’s About the God Fight”) The way of victory is the way of peace.

From The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous – The Third Step Prayer. The book explains that the words can be changed as long as the idea is used. 

God, I offer myself to Thee-

To build with me

and to do with me as Thou wilt.

Relieve me of the bondage of self,

that I may better do Thy will.

Take away my difficulties,

that victory over them may bear witness

to those I would help of Thy Power,

Thy Love, and Thy Way of life.

May I do Thy will always!

The AA program may be too heavily influenced by Christianity to be a viable solution to life problems. It has the idea of asking for victory over difficulties in the third step prayer. My thinking is that we need to ask those that are doing us wrong to be punished – not by us but by some agent of the One All Powerful All. We stay surrendered and in service and protection of AA. There are many individuals with their groups in AA that are doing me wrong. There are many individuals with their groups – in the world in general – that are doing me wrong.

Sadly, The AA Big Book does not say much about stopping wrongdoing to others. It approaches this issue with great complication rather than direct pointing to the issue. This is why people in AA do others wrong in the meetings. There are many people that do not like AA at all. This entire issue of finding a way to stop others from doing us wrong in a multitude of ways is what I am addressing with this website.

I have made enemies by attempting to stop others from doing me wrong myself. The Big Book effectively explains the need for help from the all-powerful. It calls it God but that is most definitely the wrong world based on our present definitions and understanding.

I am looking for a peaceful effective way to save the world from our own unfairness. My present method and understanding just might work. I am no longer creating conflict with my attempt to stop others from being unfair to me. Surrendering to others – to serve and protect them – and to not fight against them is working. Obviously, we need a worldwide unity, a common understanding, common beliefs and a common method to bring this about. We need the way that works taught to everyone.