Welcome everyone.
The reason fair people win and unfair people lose is not caused by random luck. It is not about luck. It is about learning to make correct choices that defeat unfair people. It is about learning to not become dominated by others that are harming you somehow.
We have a procedure for victory, a procedure if someone does you wrong. Maybe they are saying things about you that are not true. Maybe they are unfairly influencing others to turn against you. Maybe they challenge you and claim victory unfairly. Maybe they exploit you in some way. Maybe they torment you trying to defeat you. Maybe they shame you about not even knowing something that they know. Maybe they say your dumb. Maybe they say they feel sorry for you. Maybe they think you are bugging them unfairly. Maybe they lie about what happened. Maybe they think they are going to rape you. Maybe they think you should surrender to their God.
When someone is doing you wrong do not respond. These people are very good at defeating you if you confront them. Instead, ask telepathically for servants of the “One All Powerful All” to punish the wrongdoer if they continue.
You will need to join the “All” by giving yourself to it. You must surrender to it to become it – to be on its team. You must surrender to it to qualify for its help. Everyone is the all. This means we are surrendering to everyone. Forgive us for thinking wrong about anyone. We choose to protect everyone from those that do us wrong.
We must stop doing others wrong. We must stop bothering others. When you do all your problems are over.
Know that punishment will happen to the degree needed to stop the unfair person. The wrongdoer may get severe discomfort or even death if they refuse to be fair.
Feel compassion for the unfair person’s ignorance. Acquire a meditative no thought mind. Create no thoughts about the issue. You have given it to a higher power to solve for you. Stay out of it. Forget about it and do something worthwhile. Enjoy being you. Have a good day. Do something constructive. It might take time for the correction to become visible to you.
We hope the unfair person will stop being unfair easily and join the Way of Fairness without any difficulty.
If we don’t become good people, the ALL might end our lives. Good = fair. Evil = unfair.