
I Will Be as I Am

Even if the most terrible thing happens to me and everyone else. I must be as I am. I am not going to be how someone else wants me to be. I am okay with how I am. I do not care how others are? Just be you. Christ said in Thomas I think, “If you have found the world, you have found a corpse.”

I serve the All Powerful All and nothing else. The corpse can do as it wants. It is dead. The only living one is the All.

I give all I am to the All, but they want me to serve the dead. Those that criticize me and try to control or manipulate me are dead. They are condemned with death. They are not fair to me. They cheat me. They lie to me. They want me to be more quiet. They want control of me. They want me in their order under their rule. Christ said to let the dead bury the dead. He said to let your light shine from the roof tops. He did not say to be more quiet.

Fairness is the only way to escape death. Join us and you are forgiven and honored.

Give up easily! Awareness does not need your “me” to be. Give up and be nothing at all. Let it all happen. Accept what is without fighting what is. The All is always perfect and always does the perfect thing that is required.