
We Are an Alliance of Satanists or Believers in God or We are Atheists Allied to Stop Human Unfairness

We are servants of the all powerful all. Without us, it would have no mind or will whatsoever unless we are wrong about that. We are atheists. We are also believers in a God or a Satan of fairness. We are an alliance against human unfairness. Our lives and our well-being are threatened by unfair religions and unfair governments. We are also servants of the way of fairness.

We are not just human minds; we are any mind in reality that joins us. We agree to be fair to everyone. It is not our way to use violence against unfair humans. We understand that we are ruled by law. Sadly, this law is not equipped to stop the human unfairness that’s happening to us. We need religions and governments to create policies that stop human unfairness. We want to stop threats upon our future well-being by religions, governments, gang or individuals.

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