Replace ignorance with understanding. The majority of our problems are caused by a lack of understanding and wisdom. There’s no need to protect beliefs that don’t deserve to be protected. There’s no need to fear things that don’t need to be feared. Fearing God or Satan is not necessary. Fearing religion and protecting unfair religion is ignorance because we are ruled by what we fear.
Wisdom is to be ruled by only fairness because we must be fair to everyone and everyone must be fair to us in order to escape the trap of ignorant entrapment to unnecessary suffering.
When we step away from ignorance and fear we win by protecting everyone rather than fighting anyone. Surrender to the All Powerful All and ask it to do the punishing of those that do us wrong. This is the only way to avoid being wrong with ego. Just keep protecting and caring about those that are unfair so they can see clearly being unfair is not a good idea.