Why are intelligent people afraid to understand my ideas? Are they afraid or are the unfair or both? My ideas are not hard to understand. Why am I not allowed to destroy the complexity with simple truth that will make our future a future of fairness rather than a future of unfairness?
If you want to know why Petersons beliefs are unfair compare his religiosity to my atheism of fairness. His religion condemns atheists, but I am the only person condemning that because of unfairness.
Unfair people do not condemn unfairness. They must be punished until they are fair, then forgiven and honored. Unfairness is not ok.
Why is the world not standing against unfairness? Why am I the only one that dares to defeat it. It must be that the others are avoiding the attacks that happen from unfair people. The intellectuals do this by framing the argument in a way that unfairness is not condemned. They leave a loophole and spend 2 hrs. doing it. They do not dare to condemn unfairness.
I do dare and I will utterly destroy all human unfairness on an ongoing permanent basis. Children must be taught that humans must be fair to each other. They will be born with the propensity to be unfair. We should be rewarded for being fair and punished for being unfair as children. This must be done in a fair way. It is not ok to be unfair to children or they learn to be unfair.
Why is no one else talking about this problem of unfairness? Why is the world not supporting me and taking a stand against human unfairness? There is no excuse for this. Humans are condemned unless they stop unfairness.