
Who is to Blame? Who’s Fault is it?

I think it is those that are not fair’s fault. I think they are causing a terrible future. I have decided to curse them with suffering and pain, both here and in all afterlives that may exist, unless they agree to be fair. Then they are forgiven and honored. I think they must be punished until they are gone, or they agree to be fair. I want all unfair people to be gone. I want all people to be fair to each other.

I was treated unfairly yesterday. There will be consequences. Every cause has an effect. Correct me if I am wrong. Is it just me that some people pick because they think they must pick someone. I do not think they think straight. They just need to agree to be fair. They do not need to pick me as the “one”

Authoritarian people think there is a boss while democratic people don’t.