
Law and Order, Religion and Politics Improved

USA has had atheists and non Christians citizens from the beginning. Christianity is a system of thought that wrongly attempts to convince the entire world to surrender to it. There are scriptures that describe this:

Isaiah 45 

“Turn to me and be saved,

    all you ends of the earth;

    for I am God, and there is no other.


By myself I have sworn,

    my mouth has uttered in all integrity

    a word that will not be revoked:

Before me every knee will bow;

    by me every tongue will swear.

This scripture links Christianity to Jewish scripture to take over the world wrongly and demand all surrender to this particular God that I claim is non-existent. 

Also Romans 14:11

As I live, says the LORD, Every knee shall bow to Me, And every tongue shall confess to God.” 

This is not true. It never will be true. These words create a perpetual war that will never end until no one uses these words against other faiths or beliefs.

The Quran uses a similar strategy to demand all surrender to their religion or be killed.

The USA declares we have freedom of religion. I choose The Way of Fairness as my religion that claims there is an all powerful all that is the creator of all and it is all. I claim it had no intelligence until evolution evolved it. I claim there is no God that created us from a permanent soul that is eternally ourselves and therefore has all power over us. This is to refute the claim of an all powerful God over us. 

Humans make laws to rule humans and there are pre existing laws of physical reality – like gravity- that rule us. These are real and not fiction like the Gods of faith are. The Way of Fairness claims the Gods of faith do not exist. The all powerful all does exist and it is a fact. It is simply all that is as it is. 

Our only purpose is to establish justice for all and justice from all. All present rulers will not be prosecuted when we agree to World Fairness. 

Some Hindu Scripture is also problematic teaching that we are in a war for God. It is claimed no one gets killed or is the killer in this life. Serving God is all that matters and the life and death of people is irrelevant. This is described in the second chapter of the Bhagavad Gita

Krishna replies that, though Arjuna is speaking from the heart, he is also speaking from ignorance. Although physical bodies can be destroyed, a person’s essence will be reborn again and again, unchanged, through the process of reincarnation. Therefore, Arjuna wouldn’t be killing anybody, and there would be no reason to grieve for them. 

Krishna compares reincarnation to the changes that a person goes through over a single lifetime, from childhood to adulthood to old age. You wouldn’t say that a person became someone else after growing up, and in the same sense, you shouldn’t think of someone who’s been reincarnated as becoming a different person. 

We refute this claim. There is no evidence of it being factual.

Also, humans have devised political strategies to take over the world with warfare. This happened as soon as we invented weapons of steel and domesticated horses and invented the wheel etc. Humans have always been under the threats of war from other tribes. Therefore even if we had no religions the wars to dominate the world  would still be going on.

We now have communications and abilities to translate to all languages the message of The Way of Fairness and share it worldwide.  You see it as religion or just as a secular idea. 

We can as humans make the decision to stop the old ways of war and domination and instead adopt the new way of fairness with a World Fairness Agreement. 

All world law and order would adopt at their foundation the idea of fairness for all and fairness from all. Unfairness would become unacceptable for all of us. All laws and governments would be – at their foundation – created for this purpose.