
These Are Just Thoughts I Do Not Believe.

These are just thoughts. I do not believe. It is fiction. You already know the truth about me from the other posts.

I Am God Almighty Bad Guy Over All. I am the most evil, cruel being in the universe and everyone must surrender to me or die. I created everything myself. I can lie if I want, and I can do anything I want to anyone I want.

Ok, the fiction is over. I have some comments to make about the fiction above: As always, I may or may not be correct.

Thoughts are what minds do. Minds make thoughts. Minds believe various things to be true. Thoughts are not what we are. Thoughts and beliefs are our creation. I observe thoughts that try to control me. They threaten sometimes. I am the master of the thoughts. I can destroy them all. Thoughts are not reality. Thoughts do not rule us. What actually happens is what rules us. It is an absolute objective truth that is not dependent on what we think. If A large asteroid hit us, we would be dead. This could happen as we sleep in a thoughtless state of mind. All the thoughts would be destroyed. Are there any thoughts after this? Who knows?

I declare war on everyone that is unfair to me. Their thoughts mean nothing at all. I want everyone to be fair to everyone.