
Roll Call, Where is God?

Roll Call Where is God?

Where is the creator? It is time for a roll call. Are you here or do you not exist? We are not believers in your creator person. You are lying to us or you have been deceived and don’t realize it yet. 

We believe the creator is not a sentient being. The creator has no mind. If there is a creator that has all power and intelligence then whatever its religion says is true for all of us and we must all surrender to your religion. So where is it? Is it a coward? Is it imaginary? Is Satan a coward also? Is Satan also a coward? Does Satan not dare face me either? 

Why does the creator not show itself to me and you? We will not allow anyone to tell us the All powerful creator told them the truth when the all powerful creator refuses to tell us the same thing in person like it did with the so-called prophets. 

If this is allowed for anyone to say God appeared to me and told me the truth then the all powerful creator told me that your people must all die or surrender to me and my God today. Don’t you think it is false? Don’t you think it is a lie? Have you never been lied to before? Would you take my word for this? I say. Would you take my word on this? We think religions like this are an absurd immoral deception.

The evidence of our age is much more accurate than the evidence for creation we had in the past. We did not really have any evidence at all for how things happened to be. Our beliefs came from speculation. We assumed there must be an all powerful infinite intelligent being that created and designed everything.

People that claim their God is real and we must surrender to it are unwittingly doing evil. Wars and torture have become the norm because of alleged Gods and the religions of alleged Gods. So, Where is your God? We claim it does not exist based on there being no evidence of it existing.

We have very good evidence for the big bang expansion from no mind and evolution of mind from no mind. We can see the creator with our telescopes and microscopes. There is no sentient Creator to be found anywhere. A sentient creator is not needed for us to be here. 

Tell me why would a sentient all powerful infinitely intelligent creator create things so that no sentient creator is needed? I am waiting for this question to be answered. Why would God give us evidence that no God exists? What kind of God would do this evil act of creation? What kind of God would create religions killing each other because God says so?  It is obvious. The evidence is right. There is no sentient creator. Mind evolved from no mind. 

I surrender to the all powerful all. I surrender to the facts. We must all surrender to being fair to everyone or else we will torture ech other endlessly.  

You can call reality God if you want. But it is all of us. No individual is God. No religion has a monopoly on truth. Truth is what everything is. It is true that we have been lied to. Lies are not fair.