
Forced Beliefs

Claims about God and everything else may or may not be true. If One makes a claim that their God has all power over someone else and beats that someone else into submission with fear and forces that someone else into saying that the alleged all powerful God does in fact have all power, it doesn’t mean that it’s true.

This is the technique of the bully, the tyrannical and the fascist. This is how they rewrite the history books. This is how they get away with being evil.

They are power addicts. They are similar to drug addicts doing harm to innocent people. They are even willing to kill to feed their addiction.

They are in denial. They lie to themselves and to others claiming to be in the right. They claim the people of fairness are in the wrong and are evil.

If there is a God, it would be a God of fairness for all. A being with great power that is unfair is simply a monstrous evil creation.