
Victory For Your Own Self. 

Victory to our own self. 

(Read and study this every day until it sets you free from bondage of ego. Ego is greed. Ego is fear. Ego is hatred. Ego is false pride)

There are 2 apparently distinct aspects of our experience. There is our own self and there is everything else. Non dualism perceives it as if they are one thing or at least not 2 things. All of us are the same one thing. We are the All Powerful All.

The outside world with its Gods and minds of others are seen as being totally powerless. They are not real. They create insanity. They are imagined. Nothing may be real. Our own self may be unreal also. We experience a fabrication from our mind. When everything is perceived as unreal our own self which is real has achieved victory. Everything else is perceived as being powerless. It is a paper tiger. All experiences are powerless and not real. But, what about the pain and pleasure of our fabricated experience? 

Love the all powerful all. It is what our Self is. There is one Self that is the Self of the All powerful All. It is you. It is the oneness that includes everything as its self. It is the one love that is all. Love your self more than anything. Forgive your Self for not knowing how to protects Self from unfairness. Ask it for help with every problem. Ask the All Powerful All for help to end all unfairness. Ask for help for the others that they too can choose the way of fairness. Ask that they too choose to fight unfairness.

The all powerful all is not over us, rather it is us. We are all the same one thing. Love everyone. Have no enemies. Get rid of all hate toward others and self. We are all one family of humans. Our unity will defeat the insanity of our ego.

Do not worry about changing the others. There is only one Self. It will take care of itself. Our wrong beliefs that are false are being replaced by correct beliefs that are true. There is no us and them. There is only the all powerful all. Everyone is this one thing that is all things.

I am an atheist. The creator has no mind. It is the lack of anything that became the everything. The Zen Monk upon his realization declared, “I have no mind” We just observe the cause and effect that itself has no cause. It is the absolute objective truth. It is the All Powerful All. There is no reason that nothing can be as this is. Nothing has no limits beyond being nothing. This is the All Powerful All. It is our Self.

We are nonviolent warriors against unfairness. We use mind only. The others in delusion of the fabrication of their minds bring about their own defeat by fighting against us. Our imaginary violence upon our enemy is all that is required to defeat them. It demonstrates that we will never be under their control. They have split away from the All Powerful All and became a faction, a division. They have become an impossibility. They have become a part of the whole trying to rule the whole. They will realize the unity of the All Powerful All is invincible. They are like one person fighting against 10. Help them see their fears are not real and their selfishness is folly. Help them see the All-powerful All is their friend rather than their enemy. Help them understand it is the All Powerful All doing everything.