
Most people do not think The World Fairness Agreement will ever happen.

Most people do not think The World Fairness Agreement will ever happen. It will when humans have suffered so much that they all agree to do it. The collective human being will hit a bottom and the addiction to unfairness and doing others wrong will stop. 

The common experience that we as humans know when someone is doing us wrong is perhaps the reason that we will all – one day – agree. By choosing to unite in order to stop others from doing “YOU’ wrong is why “YOU” and also ‘WE’, will agree to “The World Fairness Agreement.” All of us agree to get protection from unfairness from others. We will be protecting “YOU”. Everyone will be protecting everyone from unfairness. Everyone will be totally forgiven for their past. Everyone will care about everyone.

In Christianity forgiveness is granted those that agree to the terms of forgiveness. You must choose to surrender to Christ to get God’s forgiveness. Just for a minute, imagine that the Christ is “The World Fairness Agreement”. You must totally surrender your ego. We are desperate to stop the daily abuse upon us and it just gets worse. There might be another war our children and grandchildren are killed in. Maybe they get tortured by the enemy.

If there is a Christ, he will surrender to “The World Fairness Agreement” too.