
Truth people versus Lie people:

Truth people versus Lie people:

Truth goes with fairness because if truth be known then the people will want fairness from everyone including themselves because truth is known about their individual unfairness to others. Truth and fairness goes with peace and love 

Lie people claim their lie is truth and they claim the truth of truth people to be a lie. Lie people claim truth is a lie and a lie is the truth. When someone has stolen a cookie from the cookie jar and does not want to confess it. They will lie saying the truth is they did not take the cookie. Lie people are about hatred and war.

All the lie people join together because they have stolen something from the truth people. Religion is allowed to lie. Religious people are lie people with a few exceptions where the religion is about actual truth. Non dual religions can include scientific evidence in their beliefs. 

We do not know the actual truth about reality. Reality is puzzling. Basically there are 2 views in non dualism. The argument or conversation is whether there is a supernatural creator of infinite intelligence or not. If not this is atheism and reality happened from no mind and then mind emerged via big bang expansion and then biological evolution from no mind.

Faith religions claim their God is going to take over the world and everyone will surrender to their God. There is no evidence of this being true. This is how they are attempting to steal a cookie from truth people. Faith people want control of truth people. Faith people say truth people are denying the truth about lies people God. Faith people claim truth people should be damned to burn in hell. Some scriptures of lie people claim truth people should be killed for being different from the lie people. Faith is a lie. Faith people are lie people. Faith people have justifications for their lie so that they can say it is truth. Faith people have apologists that apologize for their lie and try to convince us to join them in believing falsehood to be truth. We are told to deny the big bang expansion and biological evolution. We are told to accept religions atrocities throughout history. Faith people gang up on truth people and terrorize them. Lie people want to silence truth people. Lie people want lies taught in school. They want truth to be called a lie. Lie people claim to be good people and they claim truth people are bad people. Lie people cause wars and destruction and lie that the truth people did it. Lie people steal the cookie and lie that the truth people stole the cookie. Lie people are trying to take over the world and they claim truth people are trying to take over the world. Lie people claim it would be very bad if truth people are not stopped. Lie people claim the lie God will hurt us. The truth is that the lie people will be the ones that hurt the truth people. Lie people are insane.