
The Unimaginable Truth

The “Alien Controllers” are trying to defeat those of us that rebel against them. It has become a battle in the paranormal range of experience. Parallel worlds can happen. People can change appearance. Their bodies can be changed. This may be all hallucination rather than actual But it could become actual. It has become a crap fight. It has become a fight with physical pain being transferred. It has become a fight with diseases being transferred. It is causing bloody noses, migraines, toothaches, ear aches, blood pressure problems, strokes and heart attacks. It is killing people. It is killing police. It is causing car wrecks and flat tires. It is causing plane crashes, train derailments, earthquakes, fires, Hurricanes and tornadoes. The alien controllers are causing it. Alien controllers attempt to direct their enemies into these tragic events. They try to arrange their enemies’ death or destruction.The alien controllers are trying to keep humans divided against each other with religions and politics. They attempt to defeat humans that value actual truth. They attempt to get humans to believe a false reality of lies and deception. Humans are fighting each other with paranormal abilities. Humans can actually kill with their minds when linked to a higher power idea or God idea. There is one god idea that will defeat all other God ideas. The all powerful all is going to replace all other God ideas. It is based on actual truth from evidence. What is actually going on in our minds and in our world is hidden from us. There is non-human intelligence at work with abilities beyond human understanding. Actual truth will win this war. Actual truth has an actual God idea. It does not use a mythological imaginary story line. Actual truth has no use for lies and deception. 

Join us, we are the winning side. We serve the all powerful actual all. The all is simply what actually exists as one united thing. It is what we are. It is factual truth. You do not need to call it God. It is what it is. It is the cause of reality. It is reality. It is what will happen next. It is the actual history. It is our fate. It is our destiny. It is the truth. It is the facts.