
Keep Fair Agreements

If Satan is your lord, then do not attack Satan. It is stupid to use Satan for help one day and then try to harm Satan the next. I love Satan because Satan has captured my enemies and turned them into my friends. If Jesus or Allah or whoever is your Lord, then keep your agreements and obligations and do not attack your Lord. I love Jesus and Allah and Yahweh because these deities real or imagined have captured my enemies and turned them into my friends.

Perhaps you want to get free of them? Then do so. Maybe you cannot get free. All Lords, Gods and Devils will surrender to the all powerful all. If you have surrendered to the All Powerful All then all power channels through you. No God , Lord or Satan is more powerful than you. The All is the only source of power. All beings will surrender to the all powerful all to get help from the all powerful all. Try getting anywhere without it and see for yourself your own powerlessness.

The most power is in total unity. United we stand divided we fall. There is not anything greater than the All. This is the most simple idea ever. It makes no difference if you’re an atheist. What you are is irrelevant. The All has All Power. Do not attempt to cheat your way out of your obligations. You will be punished. If your obligations are unfair then disregard them. We have the source of all power with us. Do not do others wrong. Be fair to witches, Satanists, Muslims, Jews, Christians, atheists etc. No one is better than anyone else. Fairness is our only measure. We are all judged on fairness only. When you are unfair to another you will be punished.