
Connecting the dots of spiritual warfare of Christianity against evil

Connecting the dots of spiritual warfare of Christianity against Who – Against what – against evil is their claim. Mathew 28:18 “Then Jesus came and told them All power and all authority has been given me. I have been in a spiritual war against them because of the harmful scriptures and unfairness of world domination. As for the one having all power and all authority that would be ordinary truth and reason ie, the logos – the logic. 

This is the same racket they have been running on me. Some spirit/mind is telling me it’s me that is leading the charge against evil. They even told me to declare war – WTF? very interesting. 

When you define evil as being ordinary unfairness things make much more sence. As for the part about me or him being king and having all power just throw that in the waste. It is rubbish. 

I just now realized the similarities. They even gave me dreams that it is me in the position of savior as described in Revelations from the Bible. I suppose they have been waiting for me to figure all this out. 

We all count the same. There is no all powerful one. We simply unite against unfairness now and we save the world. Thanks to all that have been helping me. This is a “we” thing, not a “me” thing.