
Glenn Beck Claims Ukraine is the most corrupt country in the world.

This was a good reason to research it and also corruption in Glenns Church. What kind of logic is he using? If Ukraine is corrupt, we should assist everyone to end corruption, but then his Church and his Nation would be in danger of being found out too. What evil secrets are being hidden from us? If the church lost its power all the secrets could be told. I wonder what Beck is hiding. Oh, why was he trying to turn the west against the east? I suppose the east is corrupt too according to him. He is a man that is paid to cause trouble by telling lies. Does his religion not bless the peace makers?

A little story about truth versus lies:

The Liars “If the truth is revealed heads will roll. Therefore we better do everything we can to keep it hidden.” Honest people “Not at our expense you don’t. You have been cheating us. We want the truth revealed”

As I write this, I hear a telepathic mind saying why won’t he leave Beck alone. It is speaking about me. They are ganging up on me again already.

Beck supports the power that keeps their secrets hidden. It is his evil imposter of Jesus. It is an evil mind that tries to keep evil hidden, and it has been harming me. I want to expose it.

I am hoping that we have a global realization about the insanity that is being displayed