
Is it Jesus Christ? Is it an ET? – An Evaluation of Benefit.

The mind I hear telepathically does not want me around. I would rather it did not exist. I do not know. I declare war on all beings that are unfair to me. This I do know. Apparently, this is about net suffering. Does the “thing/person/being” cause more net pain or pleasure in my existence.

There are “things/persons/beings” that are harming me, and I am at war with them if they are unfair to me. I will not end my war until there is fairness for all and from all. I am an atheist.

If there is a Godlike in power “thing/person/being” that is unfair to me, I am at war with it. Perhaps I can destroy it. I intend on destroying that which is unfair to me. I am an atheist.

I suppose this is a battle of will. Will it give up and be fair to me or will I continue to attempt to destroy “thing/person/being”

I am wondering if AA should be destroyed as well as some religions and governments and some “things/persons/beings”

It has been said that eternal vigilance is the price we pay for liberty. I am at liberty to think these things. There are “things/persons/beings” that are trying to control my thinking in various ways. Therefore, I declare war on them. I am an atheist.

“thing/person/being” complains that I am too loud. It does not want me around. I do not want that “thing/person/being” around either. I want to it to not exist. I declare war. I am an atheist. “thing/person/being” does not want my car with its adverting on it “around.” I want that “thing/person/being” to not exist. This is my universe that contains all universes. I claim everything as mine. I seek for a higher law to enforce my claim. I want fairness for all and from all. This is why I am making the claim. This is why I want the authority over unfair “thing/person/being” I declare war on unfairness. I am an atheist. I agree to be fair. I am at war with anyone not agreeing to be fair. I want to punish all that are not agreeing to be fair. I am helping all that agree to be fair.

What about the noise pollution. is it not too loud. Is my music too loud when I have on headphones? Are there cameras of some type watching everything I do and showing others? Is my privacy being violated? Are republicans trying to take away my retirement and insurance? Is someone’s claim that there is a God with all power over me threating or harming me because am an atheist?