
Mr. X is in Trouble

When I lived in Utah county my brother John was the focal point of all the drama and I moved to Salt Lake City and John is still the focal point of all the drama. If I was to spend the rest of my life on Mars alone John would still be the center point of all the drama.

I’m realizing how important the dream I had long ago when I was in my early twenties. John had been reading the Bible, and I had left the church. I dreamed I kicked him out of the house. He disappeared, and beside him the lamb appeared, and the voice said, cut his throat. I’m not sure who’s saying it and who’s throat should be cut. It’s only a dream, but it’s a very important dream to me. Don’t worry, I am not violent. I don’t even get mad or yell at ghosts anymore. When you have won the war, your fighting is over. 

I was given many dreams saying that it’s me that is the Savior. They were only dreams, but they’re very important to me. 

The last post is on staying focused on what is important and everything else is irrelevant. That’s exactly what I’m doing. All of this stuff I talked about above is not relevant. It’s only material to tell us a story. John is not even his real name. Who he really is is a secret. Shhh!

I am no longer against anyone; I am only against unfairness. I am supporting everyone in their battle against it.