
Our Ego Problem.

Our Ego Problem.

We all know that we have an ego that is a problem for us sometimes. We all know that we have to defeat our ego problem.If we don’t, we are a problem for others. Basically, it’s our self centeredness, our greed and our selfishness. One way people do this is by giving themselves to their God to direct their lives. I can see a problem with that if their God has an ego problem or their religion has an ego problem. 

I recently came across some strategies from the Hindu religion on the Self or on getting rid of Self to acquire a silent mind. It has occurred to me that the purpose of all this is to get rid of our ego problem. One of the teachers said to give yourself away, another one of the teachers said to destroy yourself. The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous claims our ego had to be smashed. The common ground here is to get rid of your ego problem. We need to be able to shut up our mind to stop it from thinking. 

Those who lose their life for Christ will find their life. The first and last is the worst and the best is the honored one and the scorned one is the worm is the alpha and the omega. Our ego problem is the lowest, and one who has gotten rid of it is the highest.