
Some people think God created everything and his will is what is happening now.

Some people think God created everything and his will is what is happening now. So, they blame God for the crap, and they blame God for their pet being run over. What is that smell? 

Alternatively, when you think that the Creator has no mind it’s very different. The problem of why did God intentionally create evil is gone. Good and evil are just another way of saying fair and unfair. These are just functions of evolution. 

Perhaps our understanding about these things is just a byproduct of having an intelligence that enabled us to flourish. It seems like there’s more than that to having the ability to reason. Something perhaps mystical. Something that implies a destiny with it. This could also be accidental – without cause.

The control gang is still trying to control/manage me. If there is a Lord/God it is going to be me. I serve fairness. I count the same as everyone. If I am Lord then there is no Lord. If there is going to be a lord it is me. Therefore there is not going to be a lord. I am the one. I am an atheist. The one claiming to be our creator is a liar. All is one. All has all power. It happened without intelligent cause – with a God creating it. 

If they stop making claims there is God that rules me, I will stop making claims that it does not exist. I think it is their gang that wants to rule me. My gang is more powerful. We do not rule anyone. We simply invite everyone to be fair to everyone.