
I am the One

The God Gang is still trying to control/manage me. If there is a Lord/God it is going to be me. I serve fairness. I count the same as everyone. There is no Lord. If there is going to be a lord it is me. There is not going to be a lord. I am the one. I am an atheist. The one claiming to be our creator is a liar. All is one. All has all power. Don’t give me the shit. It is not fair because I am fair. I give the shit to those that are unfair. Everyone should give the shit to the unfair. It reeks.

Everyone can make the same claim I just made. I think I am being fair. I am home.

it is not fair when people claim there is a God/Lord that has power over me. Then they try to defeat me to prove I am under control. They claim there is a God, so I claim there is not a God based on the evidence we observe. Where is their evidence of a God over me? There is no evidence whatsoever. I claim we all count the same.

The Hindu Religion does not have this conflict about who God is. Atman is Brahman. Self is Creator God. Everyone is Creator God.

Is this a contest? And the winner is? Everyone. I am the one. No one is above anyone else so sayeth the Lord of the universe me. This is silly! I insist of myself that my beliefs must be totally fair. You can make the same claims I make.

The entire gang is not greater than me or anyone else. Every atom is the entire universe. I think we are holographic manifesting from 3 dimensions to 4 like a hologram.