
The Cruel World is Us


You do not need to do anything. You are welcome here with us. You are completely accepted as you are. We care about you and about what is happening to you that is unfair to you and yours.

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We are not doing too well. This just means we need to improve. Many of us are cruel and tyrannical. For this reason no one is safe. Therefore, no one is ok. No one is doing well. We are not in a safe place. We are not around safe people. We are not around good people. We are almost in a civil war in which we start killing those who are trying to kill us. At best we would be out of sight out of mind and the carnage would not get to us. Wars like Ukraine being attacked by russia, the holocaust, rapes, identity theft, fraud and people out to destroy us are all part of the world we live in. Thoreau said the mass of men live their lives in quiet desperation. This is the world our children are born into. 

This is why we need The Way of Fairness and The World Fairness Agreement. We need to convince the world of this. Since we are here we might as well. Do it for the children that have not yet been born as well as for the current population.