
PK – ET – Control Thinking is a Mental Disorder.

If we can bend spoons, we can damage people. I think it is extraterrestrials that do the bending of the spoon. It is extraterrestrials that told me to declare war. Humans aided by extraterrestrials have God like abilities. Sometimes karma is that people die.

The law does not protect us from injustice. Sick people are trying to end our freedom. They are trying to gain control of us. It is coming from the collective mind perhaps? They are organized by their collective minds. Sometimes karma is that people die.

We don’t have liberty and justice for all. If we are put under control, we have lost our liberty. This is a war of the mind to keep our minds free and not controlled by God threats or Governments threats. We are fighting a control cult. These control groups can be male or female or a mix.

Do not become angry. Stay in service of others even though some of them try to control us. Fair minded people will sort all this out correctly.

Unfair people want to be left alone while they are trying to gain control of fair people. It is like thieves wanting to be left alone so they can rob us. If they are being unfair, they do not qualify for being left alone. We must require fairness from them. People that are being unfair to others do not qualify for help. Karma will punish them. Karma is cause and effect. We will see what happens next in our world of oneness and mind over matter that controllers have no escape from.

Unfair people do not care about the outsiders. They attempt to control. Fair people care about everyone even the Fascists that want to take control. They need to heal. They are damaged and they are sick mentally. It is possible control thinking is a mental disorder. For fair people there are only insiders. Everyone belongs. Everyone is accepted as they are. Fair people protect everyone from unfairness. Fair people qualify for protection from harm. Unfair people don’t. The oneness may end the lives of unfair people today if they continue being unfair. Look at this from a holistic perspective. All of humanity is in the same boat and we will all sink together from the unfairness of humanity. Death or disaster happens fast. Our whole selves are connected to earthquakes, pandemics and weather disaster. The oneness is us.

I will stay surrender to fairness. I am ruled by an unfair law. If others try to force my surrender to unfairness there will be worldwide disaster. Unfair people could cause the death of us all. We are rapidly headed toward extinction because of unfair people. Unfair people don’t qualify for help from extraterrestrials.

If we don’t control ourselves something else controls us. The controllers must be controlled by non-controllers. Controllers have authoritarian personalities. Fair people must put them under control. The law is not working. Our politics is not working. Controllers have almost destroyed our democracy.

Extraterrestrials can change things. Everyone is welcome as you are. You do not need to jump through hoops. However, you must stop doing others wrong. You must stop doing me wrong. I declare war.

Sometimes it is a family feud. Our own loved ones can be controllers. Families can heal from their control issues. Oligarchy is often in families. My family is everything. It is the stars and the trees and it is also my nuclear family. If you President Bush the younger, it is pronounced new clear family. haha ka boom George. Can you say new clear? The nuclear family must be fair.

This is like Dr. Strangelove – How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb. I think I will watch it again.

On the way to locate Dr Strangelove movie I noticed extraterrestrial change happening. This video was in my path, so I watched it. It explains how we need a common enemy to stop our war against each other. Everyone needs to understand this: UNFAIRNESSS IS THE COMMON ENEMY. Was that loud enough so everyone can hear? Listen to me. The enemy is our own unfairness. It is ubiquities. Everyone has it. Unfairness can be seen as a disease in all humans that is the enemy of humanity. We must join together to defeat it. Can you say: My enemy is my unfairness. My family’s enemy is my family’s unfairness. My religion’s enemy is my religion’s unfairness. My country’s enemy is my country’s unfairness. Our enemy is our unfairness. Watch the short video “Conflict Theory.” You will understand. We have found the enemy and he is us.

High strangeness: Here is another AI (extraterrestrial suggested video) Can you say algorithm? haha It is another camping trip.