
Disrespected and Gang Stalked. Seeking Relief.

I went to an AA meeting and the people were making fun of my appearance. They were saying that I’m weird. They were saying that I’m stupid. It’s not just AA people, it’s this way with people wherever I go. I’m hearing they’re going to throw me out. I hear they don’t want me around. This is the way that narcissistic gang stalkers treat people that won’t give in to them. 

Some of what I’m hearing is telepathic, so I don’t know if it’s coming from the other people or not, but some of it I actually hear things being said. I’ve used the metaphor of a puppet master that controls or influences their minds, that has them do this toward me. This puppet master would be their God or their Lord, and it wants me to surrender to them. 

I am asking the power of goodness to help me to stop them. I am an atheist. If I had a God I believed in that wasn’t this God that wants to rule me, it would happen anyway. It’s not just about being an atheist. 

I am asking the powers that support me to teach them the lesson that they are not allowed to disrespect me. I’m hearing telepathically that the powers that support me are going to destroy all life if that’s what they have to do. I don’t know if I can trust this telepathic communication. It might just be all talk and no action. How long do I have to put up with this abuse from others?