
My Connection to Space Lazers and Q Anon.

The Q Anon conspiracy people have very strange, twisted views on things that I’ve had dreams about in the past. For example, the Jewish space lasers that have become well known because of Marjorie Taylor Green. First, I’m going to have to tell you about the dream I had in which I was told to declare war. Well, actually it was a vision. I was awake sitting in meditation. I was attempting to accept that my family had been ripped apart by religion and their claim to the power of God that rules over me. This also has a connection to racism and antisemitism. 

We need to go back to the origin of things to understand things. Imagine you see a tree and you have never seen a tree. You don’t know anything about trees, and you have no idea how the tree got to be where it’s at. You don’t even know that trees come from a seed. You don’t even know the trees grow. One day somebody comes along and explains to you that trees grow from a seed and they use water and they use sunlight and so forth and they grow to become a large tree. 

I realized that I was being told to declare war by intelligent space extraterrestrials that were not happy with what was happening to me on planet Earth. This knowledge came from several, if not thousands of other dreams that I have had during my lifetime.

It was not too long after the vision to declare war that I had the dream about the space laser. It wasn’t green, it was red. I had been repeatedly telling these extraterrestrials in my dreams that I need some kind of a weapon for this war that I’m in. So they showed me the space laser. 

Another dream I had, they told me that if I was wanting to destroy everything so that this tragedy didn’t ever happen to anyone again to push button A. I did. Now I’m asking them, why are we still here? 

I have been having this frustrating experience in which I am being made to think that Marjorie Taylor Greene is somehow on my side. I think this must all be some kind of test. There is a psychological technique called erosion in which you just continually stay focused on your agenda. 

The common theme in all of this is that there are religions that are doing evil to people. These evil doing religions want to take over everything. They use erosion. If they can make you angry, they are happy because they want your anger to destroy you. I want the red space laser to destroy them. What do you want, an ice cream cone or what? 

Actually, if I could have what I wanted, I would want everybody in the world to agree to the world’s fairness agreement.