
Edited Story of the evil one that smells like crap all the time.

Story of the evil one that smells like crap all the time.

There is an evil one and it is the most powerful evil of all. It tells everyone that they must surrender to it and that it is a good one. It is lying. It is an evil one. It tells everyone they will stink and everyone else will smell them if they refuse to surrender to evil. Evil says no one will want you around because you will stink because you have not surrendered to evil. Everyone begins to understand what evil is doing to win them and so they tell the evil one to eat all the stink in the world. Everyone stands against the evil one and evil now has a full-time job of eating it all the crap. All the people that agree to be fair smell good now. The evil one realized he could stop controlling people with their crap and instantly turned into good transformed from evil. Now our world is cleaning up the mess everyone made. The End!