
Concepts of God Are Varied.

The idea that there is a God that is separate from us, that is an individual apart from us, is problematic because this God is the one who decides that your loved one will die. Because of this, they hate God and they don’t want anything to do with God. There is another idea for God, and it’s the God of the east, where God is just everything. The creator is the creation.Some people call this God is energy. You could say that God is the things that happen. This is why I’m choosing to be atheist. I don’t think the creator has a mind at all. The mind is with us, and this doesn’t mean there’s not divinity. The divinity is us. That which is divine is our best selves. I also believe that there are non human servants of God -the all. I believe these other non human beings are extremely advanced. They are servants of the all powerful all. 

Why would one want us to surrender to a God that is separate from us, that created us, has all power over us, and decides when people we love are going to die? Where did we come up with such an idea? There’s no evidence for such a thing. On the other hand, the evidence that there is the all is right in front of our eyes. I’m very glad that I don’t have a problem with wondering why God caused my dog to get run over. I don’t have a problem wondering why God created evil. The way I see things, God didn’t create anything. God is everything. The creator is the creation. I don’t think it had a mind in the first place until minds evolved from evolution. You can think that God is a separate being that has all power and caused your dog to get run over if you want.