
What is this About? Why is it Happening??

Am I Actually Chosen by Extraterrestrials to Unite the World?

I am trying to understand my life experience in a sane and truthful way. What are the facts? I have a 2 way telepathic conversation with them and they tell me I am the only human that they claim to be King of the world and even this universe. So it is more than earth alone. They are not totally in control. They have enemies. Apparently I agree with my extraterrestrials and we fight against the others mutually. 

 I think this is about integrating Christianity and the Gods of Christianity – Judas Satan Lucifer etc. It is also about integrating the Gods of the Jewish religion and also of Islam. All is one. Non dual religions are not a problem for us. They teach what we believe – that the all powerful all is us. God is not in us. God is us. No one is more God than you are. There is no separation of things in our reality. This is the same idea as non locality and quantum entanglement of physical science – physics. We need to make religions agreeable with factual truth that has evidence. 

Maybe everything is already determined. The future is already waiting to happen, and it is already determined in some way. Some of us are shown things in the future. This is where the idea of prophets of God came from. Maybe it was me that would be born and create this website, and this is why I am the one that the extraterrestrials recognized as being the one that would be born to save the world. bla bla bla Hey , I am trying to make sense of a difficult life. Give me a break. I hated the knowingness that it was me when I was younger. I knew it meant great trouble for me.

I am asking the “All Powerful All” to make this clearly understood by this universe. I am an atheist. So, if this is true that there are extraterrestrials involved in my life and it is actually about facts, then I will need some way to demonstrate these facts. If they actually are facts. It is possible some trickster spirits are behind it, and they lie to me. In fact, in my experience some of the non living human minds I work with are tricksters making up fictional stories. Maybe all of this is simply a story that extraterrestrials tell us for their own reasons. I don’t really know.