
Fighting Each Other is Stupidity – The Cosmic Entity Has Arrived

What if extraterrestrials have been observing humans for a long time? What if they’ve been observing planet Earth before human species even developed? They’ve been watching the dog-eat-dog competition. They’ve been watching all the tribal wars since the beginning. They watched as humans came up with ideas that favored unifying the whole bunch of us. What if they’ve been waiting for signs of true intelligence to appear? It would be more precisely defined as wisdom-intelligence. Imagine they see Earth life as a giant pie. This pie is cut into thousands of pieces. This pie represents all the various species and the way they all compete against one another. They’ve been waiting for one of the species to develop wisdom-intelligence, and then the pie will be one whole pie, not divided into thousands of pieces. This one species that develops will unify the entire planet, including all the other forms of life. Gaia, the Earth entity has begun to happen. What if this process already happened with the extraterrestrials? What if all the extraterrestrials have united to become the cosmic entity.

Listen to Ten Years After – Here They Come. I have had amazing things happen already today.