
I Am Asking For Donations

I have a simple idea that came from the realization that unfairness is the source of all human problems. We need a “World Fairness Agreement” ASP. We need this new ideology. 

My hope is that because the desire to be treated with fairness is ubiquitous we will be able to unify the world in supporting and in agreeing with the idea that we need “fairness for all and fairness for all.” All of us count the same from whatever tribal origin we come from. All of us are equally important as humans. All humans deserve fairness. 

I have a website that describes this idea – This website assists in changing human belief systems from unfairness to fairness. My belief is that the only evil is unfairness and it is that simple. I intend on defeating evil/unfairness without force or violence by unifying the world with The World Fairness Agreement. 

I am close to poverty and am asking for donations to create a non profit organization and to promote this idea worldwide. The website is starting to work. People are in agreement.