
Justice For All by What Law? Welcome Satan

Justice For All by What Law? I heard the Republicans do the Pledge of Allegiance during their process of choosing a Speaker of the House. They all repeated with “Liberty and Justice for all.” Justice for all by what law? I don’t think there is any law anywhere that requires justice for all. There are many injustices in our daily lives that happen and there is not even a law about it. Examples are someone calls you a name or cuts you off intentionally or does something intentionally that is not fair. Maybe they are trying to intimidate you and there really is no law that applies but it is definitely an injustice. What can be done about it? This is exactly what “The Way of Fairness” is about. 

I don’t think it is ever going to be possible to make laws to stop all injustice. Therefore the responsibility is upon the people to create justice for all. The law can’t do it but we can. We form a powerful unity and we all protect our group. 

The  things we require from ourselves and for ourselves.

The 4 musts

  1. Freedom or liberty 
  2. Justice 
  3. Agreement or unity
  4. Do it. Join us 

Note I heard Satan has a plan. Join us Satan. Take the moral High ground. This is a more moral moral. We are the all powerful lord and savior. We are Satan. We protect each other from unfairness/injustice. 

If you want our help and protection protect us, then.