
Only One Way

Everything is one thing. Let that one thing be what everything is. It is what you are. It is what a rock is. It has all power because of its unity. The things it unifies are divided and so they are lost to the power of its oneness. Become the all powerful all. This is bigger than your ego mind. It has a mind that is bigger than your mind. It is bigger than God almighty. The gnostics said that God almighty was not the all powerful one – ness. The powerful all is actual truth. God almighty is not actual truth. If you are not accepting actual truth you are creating problems for everyone. I surrender to actual truth. Surrender means acceptance of what is. 

Lack of power is/was our problem. Freedom is participation in power and power comes from fairness-unity. Fairness-unity is the greater unity, The greatest power comes from fairness to everyone and fairness from everyone. We require fairness from ourselves and also from everyone else with no exceptions. This is the only way to actually win.

We will protect you if you will protect us. We all need protection from unfairness until there is no more unfairness. We want everyone to realize they need to join the way of fairness for actual victory. We want to win. This is how we win. 

To know and not to choose this way of fairness means you actually do not know. If you actually know you will be getting everyone to be fair to you with this fairness unity. We that actually know will never stop punishing those that are unfair to us. We do not do the punishment in most cases. It is done for us by the all powerful all. Because we are fair and in unity with  the all-powerful all, it does it for us. Tell the all-powerful all thank you. It is actually other minds doing things to help just as we do things to help others. We all help everyone and everyone helps us. We have no enemies because we have all-power. 

We will never compromise this way of fairness for all. They will be punished if they are unfair to us. We have a greater power. We have the power of the all powerful-all. This has nothing to do with religion unless we make this a religion. It is not about believing in an imaginary mythological God. However an imaginary mythological God might be helpful to bring about the way of fairness. Maybe there are powerful extraterrestrials helping beneath the myth that the God stories came from, but were then corrupted by ignorance. People started believing things that are false. Actual truth is one and it is never compromised. 

I am an atheist because I believe that mind emerged from no mind via mindless evolution. I think the state of mindlessness is fundamental. Mind is not fundamental. I may be wrong. It is irrelevant as long as I accept truth without compromise, whatever it is. We may never know the truth completely. This way of fairness is not about knowing it is about doing. No talking and all action. To know and not to do is not to know. I give all the credit to wherever and to whomever deserves the credit. We all learn from others. Thanks for helping me stop the unfairness in my life. I will help you also. Our power is the greatest of all powers. Our minds are the most powerful of all minds. Extraterrestrials are very smart and very powerful. We are with them. I am speaking for them. They get the credit for what they do. 

It is inevitable that all sentient beings in all times and places will arrive at the truth of the way of fairness because it is victory and power over unfairness from others.

Extraterrestrials explained to me that they create some fear in humans. Be careful. They can put us in extreme terror if they want to. They can make us smell crap all day if they want to. They are within our minds and always have been within our minds. Say Hello. 

I hope these words are close to the “one way.” It is an actual thing.