
Extraterrestrials and Human Precognition

They appear to us as human unless they want to appear as something else. They want to feel familiar to us. They explained to me with telepathy and dreams about them that they are not human, and they are extraterrestrials. They give me dreams, thousands of dreams. An example is I remembered a dream image I had one morning. It was just a snapshot of a women’s face. I went to the coffee shop and when I went up to pay for the coffee, it was her. I asked her how long she has worked there, and she told me she just started. I had never seen her before except in the dream the night before.

I ask them to let me know who and what they are – these beings that know the future – they tell me we are not ready to know yet. They have told me that they do not like humans because humans are not fair.

I am being disrespected by many humans. I want it to stop. They told me to declare war. I did declare war. Stay tuned!

I just watched a program on New Thinking Allowed on YouTube. The title is Dream Premonitions with Christopher Robinson. This is one of the most documented cases I have heard of. He worked with Police to stop terrorism and crime. He claims his ability comes from his connection with ETs that give him the dreams. This is the same thing that happens with me and many others. Many of us have had near death experiences.

I don’t like most humans either because they are not fair to me and they disrespect me. They have taken sides against me, and it was not fair. They have chosen to serve an unfair God belief that has been unfair to me. I am an atheist. I left Christianity when I was 13 yrs. old. I could no longer believe it. I was told a few hrs. ago the Satanists won. Good! Anyone that is fair I respect anyone that is unfair I cannot respect.

We work at being fair people and getting rid of unfair beliefs from our planet. I declare war just like I was told to do by ETs